
Emergency Preparedness Checklist: Top 8 Important Items

Wondering what you are going to need or what to do in an emergency? It’s important and any normal human will be concerned about it. By trying to have these items of extreme importance will make it easier to handle your emergency situation. Check out this Emergency Preparedness Checklist and be prepared.

1. Cash or savings


Ever get into those sticky situations where you don’t quite have the money for what you need? It’s inconvenient and embarrassing to say the least and when it comes to an emergency it can be even worse. Having a savings or even cash on hand will be important, depending on situation.

Having a savings can help in the event of a job loss or major life Emergency Preparedness Checklistsaving/threatening surgery.

Having cash on hand can help, let’s say if the power grid goes down and/or the banks aren’t available for some reason. You will still be able to buy things that you need.

2. Clothing and hygiene

It goes on the list without even thinking. No one wants to wear the same clothes for days if needed and there are certain things that you are going to want no questions asked. Extra clothing will be very helpful in situations where the climate is colder, winter time and just as a change of clothes.

Soap, deodorant, toilet paper, feminine hygiene and toothbrushes are must-haves for emergency situations. Let’s face it, emergency situations are very surprising and unpredictable and no one really knows how long one could last.

3. Bug-out bag or 72-hour kit

Don’t get caught in a spot where you are distressed and and have no supplies. Crap happens. To everyone. Every once in great while. If something happens in your neighborhood or city and you need to bug out. If your area gets flooded or a bad fire breaks out. These bags and kits are of paramount importance. They contain things like a flashlight, wind up radio, emergency blanket, soaps, matches, water, food for a couple days and more.

4. Educational / reference materials

A good source of information is always very handy to have and is how you want to educate yourself. Reading books on the subject can give you ideas on how to prepare for many different situations and having quick reference guides of Emergency Preparedness Checklistsome sort will give you the ease of mind that you will have an idea of what to do when things get crazy.

The books that can be found on this subject range from guides to the Apocalypse to identifying plants and trees to how our ancestors lived and survived, what their lifestyles were like hundreds of years ago.

5. First aid medical supplies

A must-have. You never know what’s going to happen. A basic first-aid kit will usually do but if you want to go the extra mile you can get a field surgical kit with knife and suture tools. this kit should include things like band-aids, gauze, medical tape, antibiotic ointment, burn cream, ibuprofen or aspirin, antiseptic wipes, saline solution and a how to guide on first aid procedures like CPR and more.

If you have medical conditions like diabetes or take special medications, try to have a few extra doses and a way to preserve them so that you don’t get caught in a bad situation.

6. Source of electricity

Whether it be a generator to power necessities in your house or a solar power bank for individual use outdoors a source of electricity this day in age is becoming pretty important. Bugging out to the wild, you will want to power your trailer if have one. Cell phones have location settings that you can use to orient yourself or alert others to where you are. Your fridge and freezer at home have perishables that you don’t want to spoil. You can use a generator to run your furnace in a lot of homes as well.

You can get solar power banks big enough to run multiple things in your home and the upside of that is that there are no fumes or noise as opposed to a generator. One I suggest getting and it’s well worth it is the ACOpower 500w generator with 120w portable solar panel to catch the sunlight and generate power. You can also catch my review of this generator here.

A generator, however will carry a higher power load like a fridge and freezer and charge a few cellular devices at the same time and depending on the size of generator, even more than that.

7. Food and water supplies

Starvation, dehydration, and malnutrition are all things that you want to avoid. In my food storage guide I talk about quality and quantity. Touching on that again briefly, you will want things that are nutritious as well as filling. Dehydrated foods are just as important as having some canned foods like vegetables which are full of vitamins and minerals. Most emergency food packs have a decent mixture that is both filling and fairly nutritious.Emergency Preparedness Checklist

Water bottles or water stored in jugs can keep for years to come. A BPA-free plastic jug is suggested because it can leech into water easier than it does food. Having a source of clean water is also highly suggested. A spring nearby or even a drilled or dug well. depending on location you can even use river water, however with all these sources of water you will want some form of water filtration or purification to remove contaminants.

8. Family plan of action

Last but certainly not least is your Family plan of action. It is what you and your family have set and agreed on about what course of action will be taken and what roll each individual will be taking in the event of an emergency. It is of supreme importance if keeping your family safe and alive is a concern at all.

Have this plan posted somewhere in your home and go over it with your family once a month at the least. Have local emergency numbers, friends and close by relatives numbers listed. Detail it and have a rendezvous or meet-up point where everyone can discuss what the next course of action is. Keep your family safe.


Being prepared really is a way of life and having the most important items in all honesty, can mean the difference between life and death. Taking seriously the preparation procedures and educating yourself on these topics is up to the reader and I only hope to enlighten people to the importance of this issue considering everything that is happening in todays world events and economy.

Check out my blog concerning Emergency disaster preparedness supplies Which closely relates to this topic.

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