As the weather warms up and the snow starts to melt, it can lead to a buildup of water that can cause spring flooding in our communities. In many areas, snow accumulation over the winter can create a large snowpack on the ground and in high country.
When the temperatures start to rise, the snowpack starts to melt and release water into nearby streams and rivers. As spring flooding disasters are often caused by this type of snowmelt, which can quickly overwhelm drainage systems and cause the water to spill over into surrounding areas. There are several factors that can contribute to the severity of spring flooding disasters.
For example, heavy snowfall over the winter can create a larger snowpack, as we have seen this year, which means there is more water that can be released when the snow starts to melt. If the snow melts too quickly, this can exacerbate the situation and lead to flooding. Additionally, if there is a sudden heavy rainfall during the spring, this can add even more water to the situation and make flooding more likely.
Snowpacks for this year in the western US
Possible Dangers and Destruction from Snow Melt-Off Flooding
Spring flooding disasters caused by snow melt-off can lead to a number of dangers and destruction. In addition to the obvious damage to homes, buildings, and infrastructure, flooding can cause significant danger to those in affected areas, such as riverside properties. The high levels of water can be fast-moving and unpredictable, making it difficult to navigate the area. Additionally, the water can be contaminated with harmful bacteria and chemicals, making it possibly extremely hazardous to come into contact with.
River overflowing its banks into walkway
Flooding can also have significant long-term impacts on communities. For example, a flood can cause damage to homes and infrastructure that can take weeks or even months to repair. This can lead to significant economic losses for individuals and for the community as a whole. The destruction that can be caused by flooding can also lead to psychological stress for those impacted, especially if they are displaced from their homes or lose important possessions or family heirlooms due to the flood.
How to Be Aware and Avoid These Dangers
The key to avoiding the dangers associated with spring flooding disasters caused by snow melt-off is staying aware of the situation and being prepared. Stay ahead of these dangers and prepare for winter by winterizing your property. Install landscaping that will divert water away from your property or more importantly your home.
One of the most important things you can do is stay apprised of weather warnings and reports in your area. If there is a risk of flooding due to snowmelt, monitor the situation closely and be prepared to evacuate if necessary. It’s also important to be aware of your surroundings if a flood does occur. Avoid walking through floodwaters, as the water can be contaminated and dangerous. Additionally, be aware of any downed power lines or other hazards that may be present due to the flooding.
Sand bagging to keep water at bay is one of the most widely used solutions but only works to a point. They can become overwhelmed fast when enough water is present.
sandbagging solutions
Another widely used method is levy building and is much more durable but on a grander scale, most of which are built by municipalities, cities and/or counties.
Dirt Levy built to contain a river
One way you can prepare for potential spring flooding is by having an emergency kit on hand. This kit should contain basic supplies such as food, water, and medication, as well as flashlights, batteries, and a first-aid kit. You should also consider having a plan in place for where you will go if you need to evacuate your home.
Having a few emergency supplies and emergency checklist is a huge step toward being prepared as well.
Ways to Recover if a Snow Melt-Off Flooding Disaster Effects You
If you are impacted by a spring flooding disaster caused by snow melt-off, there are several ways you can start the recovery process.
The first step is to make sure you and your loved ones are safe. If you need to evacuate your home, make sure to follow the advice and instructions of emergency officials.
Once you are safe, contact your insurance company to report any damage to your property.
Community Service and Action
Communities coming together to help each other is a very effective action that can be taken to mitigate flood damage as ideas and motivation come together for the purpose of everyone’s well being and safety.
Document the damage with photographs and keep track of any expenses related to the flooding. Depending on the severity of the flooding, you may also be eligible for federal disaster assistance.
Contact your local emergency management agency for more information. In the aftermath of a flood, it’s important to take steps to prevent further damage to your home. This may involve drying out your home and belongings, removing any contaminated materials, or making necessary repairs. Be sure to work with reputable contractors and follow any safety guidelines provided by officials.
Spring flooding disasters caused by snow melt-off can be devastating for individuals and communities alike. By staying informed, being prepared, and taking necessary precautions, you can mitigate the impact of a flood if one occurs.
Remember to always prioritize your safety and the safety of your loved ones in the event of a flood. With these steps in mind, you can be better prepared to weather any spring flooding disasters that come your way.
You can search more ways to prepare for winter run off and other ways to be prepared at
A news article to different resources and other ideas, check it out.
I hope this article is helpful and informative.
If you have any questions, comments or input, please feel free to do so in the box below.
I’ve been there and so have a lot of people. Getting caught off guard when the outdoor temps suddenly change to cold or freezing. Then you remember; crapola, I forgot to cover the A/C condenser outside! Even getting items that are sensitive to getting wet pulled under a cover of some sort. Or, as silly as it seems, draining your sprinkler system and opening valves so they don’t freeze and break or burst. Winter preparation as an individual or for the family could be the difference between comfort and discomfort or, worst case, life and death.
If you are prepared for the hazards and harshness of winter you are more likely to stay safe, comfy and healthy when temps start to fall.
A Snowy Winter
Winter preparation thoughtfulness
Every year, preparation for winter time is a necessity in at least 50 percent of the U.S. With snow and freezing temperatures covering the northern half of the country, often times, extreme Winter preparation is needed to protect livestock, agriculture, plumbing, homes, roads and infrastructure as well as our elderly and children.
It is because of necessity that we think of these things. Those of us who live in these cold climates are accustomed to thinking in this way but not all consider every angle nor everything.
Being mindful by planning ahead and watching weather reports during winter will increase productivity, safety and preparedness.
Winter preparation at home
Where to start? Good question. Every climate will have different necessities of course. I would make a checklist of the things you can think of that are most important first. A list you can fall back on every fall to prepare your household for winter. Things that need to be done outdoors because that’s where the temperature will change of course. Things like sprinkler systems or making sure the wood pile is protected from precipitation. Then secondary items like the home inspection type etc..
Stock up on food supplies like canned and dry goods if you don’t already have a food storage and always have a spare/extra bag of pet food for your furry family members.
Covered wood
Give a double check on your home, insulation, furnace, windows, openings, plumbing etc… Make sure your windows and doors have no drafts, this could lead to unnecessary power consumption or loss of heat in your home. Get any outdoor exposed plumbing insulated and covered. The water freezing could cause the pipes to burst. You don’t want to replace piping in the winter time. Trust me.
Insulate outdoor piping
Tie up any loose ends around the house like putting the leaves from the front lawn in the composter or rolling up and storing all your garden hoses if needed.
Another idea I feel is fairly important personally is to spray the outside and openings of your home twice with an insect blocker to keep spiders and other intruders out. They will most certainly want to move in before the weather turns cold so get to this in the late summer and maybe mid fall.
Give everything a once over. The little things can become a time consuming nuisance if not thought of.
Ranchers and farmers have quite the task before them when it comes to prepping for the winter months. Mending fences and fixing feeders or water troughs are things to be done so that they are not needing fixing in the middle of the cold months.
Power outage mindfulness
Outages can come both during a storm and when there is no weather occurring. The weight of snow can fall power lines and poles and while on the flip side too much power consumption in any given area during a severe freeze can over load the grid causing a blackout. Following a Winter storm prep checklist is going to help you make it through am extended severe storm emergency.
In these cases, make it a point to have a backup power source like a battery storage or even a generator. The food in your fridge will want to go bad. The cold will creep into your home. If you run it for even a few hours you could warm a room in your home, wash laundry, charge phones or laptops and keep food cold in your freezer or fridge. Solar power would be good backup but even more so if you have a battery storage system.
Every prepared family in colder climates have extra blankets and batteries at the very least.
Concern for Elderly, Children and even yourself
Helping family and elderly
Looking out for each other during harsh times and checking up on our elderly family, neighbors and friends is one of the most charitable things we as humans, could do. Being thoughtful could just save someone’s life or help them to be a little more comfortable. One never knows what someone else’s plight might be unless we make the effort to help.
Be educated and know what to do in emergencies. Have a knowledge of some first aid procedures and how to treat frostbite as well as hypothermia. Read up on what other people do in these situations as well as what they might do to be prepared, so that you and your family also, can be prepared.
I hope this has been helpful and informational. If you have any comments, questions or input please do so in the box below.
Empty store shelves, Worker shortages, lack of truck drivers and mountainous unemployment rates are all symptoms and causes of a supply chain crisis.
NOVATO, CALIFORNIA – empty shelves cause concern
We’ve all seen some things become scarce in the past few weeks. Being prepared for a supply chain crisis doesn’t have to be the end of the world.
I know that a food storage will be a good start and help many people come out on the other side of the situation in decent shape. However, there are other things to take into consideration for you and your family as well .
We will be covering areas of concern so to best prepare for a supply chain crisis.
Causes of a supply chain crisis
At the present time the covid-19 pandemic caused disruptive shut downs of businesses and stores as well as the trucking and transport industries but coupled with a boom in demand and overregulation as we reopen, it is causing a huge bottleneck in the supply chain. Low labor participation and clogged ports are also to blame.
An article from gives, in depth, some facts about the crunch we may all be experiencing soon.
An extremely high unemployment rate mean less workers, in other words a worker shortage. If you don’t have enough workers to stock shelves or fill orders then you will wind up with bare shelves at the grocery store.
Factories will have a hard time producing their product. Even the medical field will be shorthanded which means they will end up over-capacity or lacking proper PPE.
It is said that if the trucking industry were to come to a complete stop for just 24 hours, It would take two months to get back on track. Essentials like bottled water and canned as well as fresh goods disappear fast. ATM’s run out of cash. Banks unable to process transactions.
Service stations will completely run out of fuel and garbage will pile up in urban and suburban areas.
Ports of entry on the coast are being over regulated due to quarantine requirements and so it is causing a major slow down of distribution.
Thinking ahead of a supply chain crisis
Be up to date on current events and economics. You should be able to make your own educated assumptions. By doing so you are being well prepared for a crunch on the economy. Government policies and banking policies will play a part in economic performance.
Figure out what essentials might disappear from the shelves first. Buy a few extra items when you shop and store them away with your food storage.
Being Prepared with food storage
If you have the skills and are already fairly self sufficient it will be a huge determining factor on how bad a financial or supply crisis will hurt you.
Adapting to an ever changing world may mean that we need to return in part to old world skills like gardening and canning. These skills will not only save you money but generate the peace of mind and comfort of knowing you have a backup plan.
Our dependency on the system and how to minimize it
The world as a whole is evolving into a society that depends almost wholly on technology. It seems that a major part of the world doesn’t know how to do or make a lot of things for themselves and so a majority of us are vastly dependent on just in time delivery and social media.
Old world skills like making clothing as well as other skills that provide independence are being forgotten. They are known as The Lost Ways because we are forgetting these skills and also not teaching them to our children.
Simple solutions call for us to Learn some of these skills. Produce some of your own goods or skills and learn to trade with our neighbors for example. Do it yourselfers not only have but also teach some of these skills and also are learning new skills everyday. YouTube has some really good channels that have do it yourself videos.’
Resulting economic damage
The result has created shortages of key manufacturing components, order backlogs, delivery delays and a spike in transportation costs and consumer prices. Unless the situation is resolved soon, the consequences for the global
shipping container backups
economy may be dire.
Inflation of a different sorts is taking place where too many dollars are chasing too few goods. The US GDP is down to scary levels of 2.0 in the second and third quarter of 2021 and is also dropping rapidly.
Jam up of trucks carrying goods
This supply chain crisis is effecting not just the US but also the rest of the world. Many will either adapt to the changes or find alternatives in their lifestyles, for example, changing the way they budget or conserving energy at a higher rate. Many will possibly just go without certain items or learn to ration as we fight against our country descending into the third world.
Our government needs to relax restrictions and regulations. It’s killing the trucking and transport industries which is ultimately leading to this dire situation. Our government is treating American businesses and the American worker like an enemy of the state. It is suppressing the ability of small businesses and independent contractors.
Hope for any relief only comes from the people and the drive to keep going! Here in America is the pride of hard work and the joy of success so we should not settle for anything less.
I hope this article is helpful and informative. If you have any questions, comments or input please feel free to do so in the box below.
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