
Home drinking water filtration: Is it important?

Home drinking water filtration systems
Spring water

Throughout history there have been diseases, health issues and even famine or drought related to water scarcity and purity. When the dry times come its hard to even have water to filter but when the times of plenty are present you want to drink clean, good tasting water and store for when the dry times come around again. Here I will go over the easier Home drinking water filtration systems, cost efficiency and the importance of them.

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What does it mean to ‘Be Prepared’?

Can I be prepared for life’s curveballs? How would I do that? Where can I find help with it?

What kind of situations can happen in life?be prepared

Many different situations can happen in life. From breaking a bone or cutting yourself open and needing a first aid kit, to the Apocalypse and needing storable foods and an underground bunker to having financial hardships. Continue reading “What does it mean to ‘Be Prepared’?”

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