
Lost in the wild: Building suitable shelter

Being stranded or lost in the wild is a scary thought but from time to time it happens to the unsuspecting and even the unprepared. There are ways to be prepared for a situation such as this without having to carry around huge bulky packs with gear, in fact there is a lot you could do with just a survival knife. A little education, ingenuity and elbow grease could help you to build a suitable shelter to protect you from the elements.

Having the emotional fortitude

You’re going to be scared. You might panic. You might even cry a little when the realization sets in that you’re lost or stranded. But staying calm is the best thing to do. Some people naturally have a calm demeanor and think clearly in these types of situations. Continue reading “Lost in the wild: Building suitable shelter”

Basic wilderness survival skills: are they needed?

Basic wilderness survival skills are something that everyone should know. In some countries parents teach their children at an early age or survival skills might even be, in those countries, what they call everyday life. This planet canwilderness survival skills be cruel. Climates are sometimes harsh and the summer/winter exchange can be harsh as well. Why not invest a little time and money into yourself to be prepared, ya know, just in case?


Stuff happens

Continue reading “Basic wilderness survival skills: are they needed?”

Being Prepared as a Lifestyle

As youngsters in the Boy Scouts of America, the organization always taught us a very important aspect of life and also had a motto of “Be Prepared”. So being prepared was ingrained into me early.

That is a thought process I have carried along with me into adulthood and has served me well, whether it means thinking ahead and being prepared financially, or being prepared for emergencies of the health or economic type.

I believe that being prepared is one of the most valuable abilities one should have or at least be thoughtful of in their life.

Here at Being Prepared Today, I would like to bring you my thoughts and experience on being prepared, ways to do so and products to help you be prepared for any given situation life may throw at you.

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