To be prepared for a Financial Emergency is a subject that is not very well discussed but is extremely important pertaining to financial success and financial survival as well. Knowing what it means to ‘Be Prepared’ and how to think forward to all the possibilities you can come up with is a very useful skill and trait and is one that, in my opinion, should definitely be applied to financial preparation. While you cannot plan for when a Financial emergency will happen to your household you can very much be ready for when one does. In this blog I will discuss some highly suggested pro actions of prepping financially as well as linking to resources. Continue reading “Guide to Financial Emergency Preparation”
Back country snowboarding: surviving when disaster strikes
Back country snowboarding and skiing has its thrills but also has its dangers. In fact, its so dangerous that all ski resorts around the country post signs that advise the adventurous to stay within the resort boundaries and anyone leaving would be doing so at their own risk. Going out at all is dangerous but Going out alone is downright reckless. Having the proper gear and emergency items could mean the difference between life and death. In this article I will discuss how to be prepared when disaster strikes.
Utah man dies in avalanche behind Park City
Kevin Steuterman, a 31 year old man from Clinton, Utah was snowboarding along with his skier girlfriend in back country terrain outside the Park City Mountain Resort boundaries, on the canyons village side in an area known as the Dutch Draw.
According to the report from the Utah Avalanche center, after riding the 9990 chairlift, the couple left the resort boundaries and hiked along the ridge line to the top of silver peak. Steuterman started down the line called Conehead and about halfway down, the skier started her descent. Continue reading “Back country snowboarding: surviving when disaster strikes”
Winter storm preparedness checklist: The do’s and have’s
Winter storms can be pleasant because of snow. They’re beautiful and peaceful. But they can also be very dangerous for the simple fact that they’re cold and could do damage if the precipitation becomes too much. Snow piling up becomes heavy and down pouring rain can build up to a flood situation. Freezing rain, more often than not, will do damage to power lines and have some other unforeseen consequences. What is covered in this winter storm preparedness checklist will help you to be prepared for winter storms, to know the difference in danger levels and to be conscious of the different threats that a winter storm will present. Continue reading “Winter storm preparedness checklist: The do’s and have’s”