The need for disaster preparedness supplies and equipment during a disaster is pretty important and you definitely don’t want to get caught unaware and unprepared. Being self sufficient is a human trait by itself and pretty much, goes against our pride when we need to ask for help. You can avoid this type of situation when you are already prepared for a disaster before it comes. Being prepared with some emergency disaster preparedness supplies and equipment I have listed below can mean the difference in the severity of your situation during an emergency Continue reading “Emergency disaster preparedness supplies: Important equipment”
Emergency Preparedness Checklist: Top 8 Important Items
Wondering what you are going to need or what to do in an emergency? It’s important and any normal human will be concerned about it. By trying to have these items of extreme importance will make it easier to handle your emergency situation. Check out this Emergency Preparedness Checklist and be prepared.
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Home drinking water filtration: Is it important?

Throughout history there have been diseases, health issues and even famine or drought related to water scarcity and purity. When the dry times come its hard to even have water to filter but when the times of plenty are present you want to drink clean, good tasting water and store for when the dry times come around again. Here I will go over the easier Home drinking water filtration systems, cost efficiency and the importance of them.
Continue reading “Home drinking water filtration: Is it important?”