
Field dressing injuries: Guide to dressing wounds with limited supplies

A field dressing or battle dressing is a kind of bandage intended to be carried by soldiers for immediate use in case of a wound, usually a gunshot wound. It consists of a large gauze or absorbent pad attached to the middle of an elastic strip used to fasten or hold the pad in place.  Field dressing injuries is meant to protect the injury or wound and prevent further complications. They would be able to clean and bandage themselves up so not to bleed out and move on to seek medical attention before it got infected or a limb went gangrene. In this guide, I will explain how to field dress your injury, not necessarily a gunshot wound, with limited supplies and without having a specialized kit for the situation.

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Lost in the wild: Building suitable shelter

Being stranded or lost in the wild is a scary thought but from time to time it happens to the unsuspecting and even the unprepared. There are ways to be prepared for a situation such as this without having to carry around huge bulky packs with gear, in fact there is a lot you could do with just a survival knife. A little education, ingenuity and elbow grease could help you to build a suitable shelter to protect you from the elements.

Having the emotional fortitude

You’re going to be scared. You might panic. You might even cry a little when the realization sets in that you’re lost or stranded. But staying calm is the best thing to do. Some people naturally have a calm demeanor and think clearly in these types of situations. Continue reading “Lost in the wild: Building suitable shelter”

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