
The Lost Ways Review: Books for self-sufficiency

This is my first review for this website and I have decided to outline and review a series of books that I personally own. The Lost Ways book series.

They describe and detail the way pioneers and our ancestors lived hundreds of years ago. They also offer procedures that relate to being self-sufficient, living from the land and surviving this brutal planet the way it used to be done. Continue reading “The Lost Ways Review: Books for self-sufficiency”

Emergency disaster preparedness supplies: Important equipment

The need for disaster preparedness supplies and equipment during a disaster is pretty important and you definitely don’t want to get caught unaware and unprepared. Being self sufficient is a human trait by itself and pretty much, goes against our pride when we need to ask for help. You can avoid this type of situation when you are already prepared for a disaster before it comes. Being prepared with some emergency disaster preparedness supplies and equipment I have listed below can mean the difference in the severity of your situation during an emergency Continue reading “Emergency disaster preparedness supplies: Important equipment”

Basic wilderness survival skills: are they needed?

Basic wilderness survival skills are something that everyone should know. In some countries parents teach their children at an early age or survival skills might even be, in those countries, what they call everyday life. This planet canwilderness survival skills be cruel. Climates are sometimes harsh and the summer/winter exchange can be harsh as well. Why not invest a little time and money into yourself to be prepared, ya know, just in case?


Stuff happens

Continue reading “Basic wilderness survival skills: are they needed?”

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